
About TA


TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (TA) is an analytic and democratic practice which aims at broadening the knowledge base of policy decisions by comprehensively analysing the socio-economic preconditions as well as the possible social, economic and environmental impacts in the implementation of new technologies. It is thus engaged at the interface of science, society and policy making and particularly the national parliaments have been regarded the main addressee and client of TA.

The overall aim of TA is to foster a balanced development of society and the environment, which maximises societal benefits from technological progress while avoiding negative impacts. TA is always interdisciplinary, often transdisciplinary.

Read more about TA, its methods and institutional forms on www.pacitaproject.eu.

Expanding the TA Portal

The TA Portal is intended to become a hub for information related to TA, a one-stop-service. Hence we aim at attracting eventually the whole TA community worldwide to join the Portal and to supply data. To be consistent and transparent vis-à-vis applicants wishing to be present on the Portal, the TA Portal Board has issued a policy outlining the eligibility criteria and the procedures for becoming a member of the Portal.

Download the policy here.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 14:07



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